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Slovenian Literature in Unknown Early Modern Manuscripts. Information-Technology Aided Analyses and Scholarly Editions


The goal of the proposed project is to continue research that has barely commenced and which aims to improve on the current state of affairs and to systematically examine Early Modern Slovenian manuscripts. Work to date has shown that archive collections in Slovenia and ethnically Slovenian cross-border areas (in Italy, Austria and Croatia) contain several Slovenian manuscript works that literary history has not yet recorded. With regard to these and many other barely known manuscripts, it is uncertain what types of texts they include, what their content is, who their authors are, and so on. They involve part of the Slovenian literary culture that has so far remained in the shadows. Therefore, the goal is to: systematically study the potential locations of still unknown manuscripts in Slovenia and in ethnically Slovenian cross-border areas; describe the manuscripts discovered using a uniform and internationally established method (the TEI Guidelines) and publish the data in the emerging ‘Register of Older Slovenian Manuscripts’; and analyse the selected manuscripts and publish them among the scholarly digital editions available on the eZISS web portal.


Golec, Boris. Slovenske oporoke in prisežna besedila o oporokah (1671–1850). Ed. Matija Ogrin. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2017.

Ogrin, Matija (ed. w. Erich Prunč). Kapelski pasijon: znanstvenokritična izdaja. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC; Celje: Celjska Mohorjeva družba, 2016.

Ogrin, Matija. Manuscripts of Slovenian Peasant Writers and Readers. In: Reading and Writing from Below. Ed. Ann-Catrine Edlund, T. G. Ashplant and Anna Kuismin. Umeå: Umeå University; Royal Skyttean Society, 2016. 133–148.

Avsenik Nabergoj, Irena. Izvori in tradicija literarne zvrsti vita Christi v Poljanskem rokopisu. Bogoslovni vestnik 76.3–4 (2016): 585–596.

Erjavec, Tomaž (w. Yves Scherrer). Modernising Historical Slovene Words. Natural Language Engineering 22.6 (2016): 881–905.

Erjavec, Tomaž (w. Alenka Jelovšek). A Corpus-based Diachronic Analysis of Slovene Clitics. New Methods in Historical Corpora. Ed. Paul Bennett et al. Tübingen: Narr Verlag, 2013. 117–26.

Research Project

digital humanities
elektronske izdaje
slovensko slovstvo