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Special issue of Slavica TerGestina guest-edited by Marijan Dović and Luka Vidmar

Published on: October 11, 2021

Marijan Dović and Luka Vidmar (both the ZRC SAZU Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies) are the guest editors of Habsburg Censorship and Literature in the Slovenian Lands, a special issue of the open-access journal Slavica TerGestina. Articles on the cultural and literary history of Habsburg censorship between early seventeenth and late nineteenth centuries were contributed by Norbert Bachleitner, Monika Deželak Trojar, Nina Ditmajer, Marko Juvan, Matija Ogrin, Andrej Pastar, Urška Perenič, Sonja Svoljšak and the guest editors. The collection is one of the results of the research project ‘Slovenian Writers and Imperial Censorship in the Long Nineteenth Century’.