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The papers of Anton Ocvirk


The collection contains various material: university lectures, manuscripts and proofs of the author's publications (papers, studies, critiques, and notes – including those for Zbrana dela slovenskih pesnikov in pisateljev [Collected Works of Slovenian Poets and Writers], Sto romanov [One Hundred Novels], and Literarni leksikon [Lexicon of Literature]), and study material (transcriptions, copies, excerpts, and clippings). These include student term papers and undergraduate theses, re-election reports and expert opinions, and plans, proposals, and reports on the content and organization of research work. The institute received the papers at the end of 2004 as a bequest from the heirs of Anton Ocvirk, who was an academy member and university professor.
A basic inventory has been made of the collection, which is available to qualified users of the institute's library Monday through Friday, 11 am to 1 pm.
Contact person: Alenka Koron, PhD.