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New book by Andrejka Žejn

Published on: July 5, 2021

Andrejka Žejn, member of the institute of literature at ZRC SAZU, published a new book entitled Izhodišča slovenske pripovedne proze (The Bases of Slovenian Narrative Prose). The book provides new insights into the narrative tradition in the history of Slovenian literature up to the first original Slovenian narrative. Janez Cigler’s Sreča v nesreči (Fortune in Misfortune), published in 1836, is a starting point from which the book looks at the past and concurrent Slovenian narrative tradition to observe the development of the Slovenian narrative literature system and establish how Sreča v nesreči as a kind of translation without a source text caused original narrative prose to enter the centre of the system and thus acquired the status of a canonical text. A computational textual criticism analysis of various editions of Sreča v nesreči is used to demonstrate how the current version of the text has changed and become established.