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The Essay and Singularity

International conference

Basic information

October 22, 2009 at 15:15 to October 23, 2009 at 18:30
ZRC SAZU, Mala dvorana, Ljubljana
Organizer: Slovenian Comparative Literature Association


Thursday, October 22

15.15 Opening Remarks

15.30–16.30 Uvodno predavanje
Peter V. ZIMA: Essay and Essayism between Modernism and Postmodernism


16.30–17.00 Break

17.00–18.30 First Session
Marko URŠIČ: Kdo govori v Montaignevih Esejih? / Who Speaks in Montaigne’s Essays?
Ignacija J. FRIDL: Esej z vidika antične filozofije / The Essay from the Perspective of Ancient Philosophy
Marko JUVAN: Esej in interdiskurzivnost: Vednost med singularnostjo in sensus communis / The Essay and Interdiscursivity: Knowledge between Singularity and sensus communis

Friday, October 23

10.00–11.30 Second Session
Miran ŠTUHEC: The Essay and Its National Qualifiers?
Ivo POSPÍŠIL: Singularity and the Czech Interwar Essay among the Streams: F. X. Šalda, Karel Čapek, Jaroslav Durych
Péter HAJDU: Narrative and Metaphorical Discourse in Biographical Essays

11.30–12.00 Break
12.00–13.30 Third Session
Remo CESERANI: The Essayistic Style of Walter Benjamin
Iztok OSOJNIK: The Essay and Singularity
Tomaž TOPORIŠIČ: The Essay on Stage: Singularity and Performativity

13.30–15.30 Lunch
15.30–17.00 Fourth Session
Tomo VIRK: The Essay and the Nature of Discourse in Literary Criticism
Bart KEUNEN: Profane Illumination through Essayistic Writing and Thinking. Benjamin and Bakhtin on the Value of Everyday Experience
Darja PAVLIČ: Eliot’s concept of Impersonal Criticism and the Poetics of Singularity

17.00–17.30 Break

17.30–18.30 General Discussion