“Literature and Music”: The 12th International Comparative Literature Colloquium
September 5, 2014 at 14:30 to September 6, 2014 at 13:30
Slovene Writers’ Association, Tomšičeva 12, 1000 Ljubljana
Organizer: Slovenian Comparative Literature Association , Slovene Writers’ Association, Slovenian Musicological Society, Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, University of Ljublja…
In collaboration with the Slovene Writers’ Association, the Slovenian Musicological Society, the Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and the Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at the University of Ljubljana, the Slovenian Comparative Literature Association will host the 12th International Comparative Literature Colloquium within the scope of the 29th Vilenica International Literary Festival. This year, the colloquium is entitled “Literature and Music: Junctions, Intersections, Misconceptions” and chaired by Marijan Dović, Andraž Jež, and Gregor Pompe.
The colloquium continues the investigation of the inner ties connecting literature to other arts. In this way, the colloquium responds to contemporary trends in arts characterized by the fusion of individual artistic practices and the transgression into the spheres of science, politics, and economy. Since mutual links between literature and music seem particularly strong, the colloquium will try to shed light onto these junctions and intersections from the interdisciplinary perspective combining musicological and comparative analysis.
Friday, 5 September, Slovene Writers' Association Headquarters
14.30-19.00 Colloquium, Part I
14.30-14.50 Opening address and presentation of the 2013 theme
14.50-16.00 First session
Gregor Pompe: Collisions between Music and Literature (Language?): Dilemmas from the Selected Examples from the History of Music
John Neubauer: Contrafacts: Marriages and Divorces between Text and Music
Boris A. Novak: The Relation Between the Sound in Music and in Poetry
16.00-16.45 Discussion
17.15-18.15 Second session
Nikša Gligo: Hans Rudolf Zeller's “Mallarmé and Serialist Thought” Reconsidered. How Mallarmé Influenced the Serialist Thought? And Did He Influence It at All?
Andraž Jež: Μίμησις in Context of Crossing the Discursive Borders in Arts at the Beginning of 20th Century
Marijan Dović: The Art of Improvisation in Literature and Music
18.15-19.00 Discussion
Discussants: Nico Helminger, János Lackfi, Fiston Mwanza Mujila, Ioana Pârvulescu and Jaroslav Rudiš.
Saturday, 6 September, Slovene Writers' Association Headquarters
9.30-14.00 Colloquium, Part II
9.30-11.00 Third session
Katarina Šter: “Matters of heart”: Literary and Musical Representations of Heart in the Bach cantatas
Radu Vancu: Confessional Poetry and Music – John Berryman and Mircea Ivănescu
Kordula Knaus: Poetry, Music, and Performance: Methodological Approaches to Early Opera Buffa
Tatjana Marković: Integrating Urban Folk Song into Libretto: Singing Sevdalinka at the Opera Stage in Belgrade and Sofia
11.00-11.30 Discussion
12.00-13.00 Fourth session
Matjaž Barbo: “A gentle tone” of the Religion of the Art
Miryana Yanakieva: Hate Music Loving It
Irena Novak Popov: The Renewal of Dialect Poetry in Slavia Veneta Through Popular Music: Senjam beneške piesmi
13.00-13.30 Discussion