Razprave o sodobni slovenski literaturi ('Discussions on Contemporary Slovenian Literature') are the outcome of the project “Slovenian Literature and Social Change: The Nation State, Democratization, and Transitional Divergences” offering both panoramic views and individual analyses of works in the genres of the contemporary Slovenian novel, drama, essays, and poetry, with an emphasis on more recent literature that emerged after the year 1990. The contributions in the collection include a variety of methodologies ranging from the theory of interculturality to theories of cultural memory, from the ethics of representation to neurocognitivist literary Darwinism, from feminist approaches to post-humanist ecocriticism.
Table of content
Varja Balžalorsky Antić: Uvod
Anja Skapin: Medkulturnost slovenskega literarnega sistema Matevž Kos: Druga svetovna vojna in sodobni slovenski roman Tomo Virk: Jančarjev roman To noč sem jo videl in etika reprezentacije Marko Juvan: Izbrisani med politiko zanikanja in eksemplaričnostjo romana Krištof Jacek Kozak: Aleš Debeljak, begunec iz »jugoslovanske Atlantide« Igor Žunkovič: Literarnodarvinistična primerjava Antigone Dominika Smoleta in Kasandre Borisa A. Novaka Alen Širca: Genealogija vsakdanjosti: slovenska poezija v tranziciji Varja Balžalorsky Antić: Ženska poezija in strategije zunanje dialoškosti: dramski monolog in pesem s persono Branislava Vičar in Vesna Liponik: »Krivdna mrežja«: antropocen v poeziji Uroša Praha