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Christopher Marlowe, kanonični odpadnik

Author: Andrej Zavrl
Year: 2016

Christopher Marlowe, kanonični odpadnik (Christopher Marlowe, a Canonical Dissident) is the first monograph in the Slovenian language to be devoted to the English playwright, poet and translator Christopher Marlowe (1564–1593). The book looks into the reception history of Marlowe in the English and Slovenian literary systems from the time of the author’s life until today, starting with the earliest references to Marlowe by, among others, Robert Greene, Thomas Kyd, Richard Baines, Francis Meres and Thomas Beard, continuing with the Romantics and Victorians, key twentieth-century authors in the fields of feminism, gay, queer and gender studies, new historicism, cultural materialism, postcolonialism, theatre studies, etc., and finishing halfway through the second decade of the twenty-first century. After the introductory chapter, which briefly summarises the state of affairs in Marlowe studies and the scope of the book, two chapters discuss Marlowe’s biography and literary works. This is followed by chapters on the reception and canonisation of Marlowe, his role as a dissident, the Slovenian translations and stagings of his work, and a brief conclusion and postcript.

Table of content

Christopher Marlowe (1564–1593)
                Marlowova življenja
                Marlowova smrt
Marlowova besedila
                Doktor Faust v množini
                               Teologija od A do B
                Umor Edvarda II.
Recepcija in kanonizacija Marlowa
                Izhodiščni literarni sistem
                Ciljni literarni sistem: Marlowe na Slovenskem
                V Shakespearovi senci
Marlowovo odpadništvo
                Religiozno odpadništvo
                               Tragedija o doktorju Faustu
                Spolno in seksualno odpadništvo
                               Edvard Drugi
Slovenski prevodi Marlowa
                Christopher Marlowe in Janez Menart, Tragedija o doktorju Faustu (1972)
                                Teologija, astrologija in astronomija
                                Magija, magiki in črna umetnost
                                Nebesa, nebo, pekel in raj
                                Bog in/ali Jupiter
                                Duše in duhovi
                                Kesanje, obup in pogubljenje
                Christopher Marlowe in Srečko Fišer, Edvard Drugi (1996/2004)
                                Gaveston in italijanski užitki
                               Antični moški pari
                               Kraljevi ljubljenci in prijatelji
                Christopher Marlowe in Janez Menart, »Zaljubljeni pastir svoji dragi« (1993/1996)
Slovenske uprizoritve Marlowa
                Tragedija o doktorju Faustu, SLG Celje (1972)
                Edvard Drugi, SNG Drama Ljubljana (2005)
                Doktor Faust, SNG Nova Gorica (2006)
Postskriptum: vampir in vrtnica

Seznam slik
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Regular price
17.00 €

Online price

English drama
literary reception
literary translation
Marlowe, Christopher
play (theater)
Slovenian theater
translations into Slovenian


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