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Marko Juvan gives a plenary talk in Vilnius

Published on: May 10, 2018

Marko Juvan, Head of the literary institute of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, gave an opening plenary lecture on world literature and national literary canon at the international conference Literary Canon Formation as Nation Building in Central and Eastern Europe (19th to 20th Century). Organised by the Philological Faculty of the University of Vilnius and the Lithuanian Institute of Literature and Folklore, the conference was held on 34 May 2018. Twenty-three participants from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary discussed (supra)national poets and nation-building; national epic, genres and literary canons; cases studies of canonization and modernist and postmodern revisions of the canon; criteria and metacriteria of the literary canon and the formation of national, cultural and literary identities.