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Alenka Koron at the conference of the International Auto/Biography Association

Published on: July 17, 2012

Framing Lives, the 8th biennial conference of the International Auto/Biography Association (IABA), took place from 17–20 July 2012, in Canberra, Australia. The conference was organised by the Humanities Research Centre and National Centre of Biography at the Australian National University in partnership with the National Portrait Gallery. Framing Lives drew attention to the extraordinary turn  to the visual in contemporary life narratives: to graphics and animations, photographs and portraits, installations and performances. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the conference also addressed the ways that lives are lived, recorded and viewed through multiple frames including those of language, politics, place, gender, history and culture. Among the three hundred scholars and practitioners from twenty different nations, Alenka Koron presented the paper Reading Books, Framing Lives: The Auto/biographical Writings of Two Slovenian Authors.