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Zbrane pesmi. Elektronska znanstvenokritična izdaja.

Author: Anton Podbevšek
Year: 2010

Anton Podbevšek (1898–1981) was one of the central figures of the Slovenian literary avant-garde. The Collected poems provide the first scholarly edition of all presently known poems by Podbevšek, their various versions, as well as previously mostly unpublished manuscripts from the poet's literary legacy and other sources. Especially interesting are the facsimile and the transcription of the author's own copy of the collection The Man with Bombs (1925), in which the poet entered numerous corrections and new versions during the fifties and sixties. The edition contains facsimiles of the manuscripts and the author's emendated copy of The Man with Bombs, transcriptions of the poems, editorial comments and notes. Parallel displays facilitate the comparison between manuscripts and subsequent publications.

20th century
Podbevšek, Anton
Slovenian poetry


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