The Structure and Genealogy of Indifference: Logic – Epistemology – Ideology
Original Title
Struktura in genealogija indiference: logika – epistemologija – ideologija
Project Team
Prof. Mladen Dolar, Jernej Habjan, PhD, Prof. Zdravko Kobe, Prof. Slavoj Žižek Krečič, Assist. Prof. Lidija Šumah-
Project ID
1 May 2017–30 April 2020 -
Lead Partner
Project Leader
Financial Source
Slovenian Research Agency
The Minerva Humanities Center, Tel Aviv University, ZRC SAZU, The Franke Institute for the Humanities, The University of Chicago
This basic research project addresses the 1) logical, 2) epistemological, 3) philosophical-genealogical, and 4) ideologico-critical status of indifference in modernity. The goal of the project is to analyze the structure, and to conceptualize the genealogy, of indifference. Accordingly, the project follows four key objectives: 1) to formulate the logical status of the negativity of indifference; 2) to explicate the epistemological problem of indifference as the mechanism of the production of the new in modernity; 3) to demonstrate the central role of the concept of indifference in the prevalent genealogies of the philosophical notion of repetition; and 4) to utilize this new concept of indifference for the critique of the ideological discourse of guilt-economy.