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The Structure and Genealogy of Indifference: Logic – Epistemology – Ideology


This basic research project addresses the 1) logical, 2) epistemological, 3) philosophical-genealogical, and 4) ideologico-critical status of indifference in modernity. The goal of the project is to analyze the structure, and to conceptualize the genealogy, of indifference. Accordingly, the project follows four key objectives: 1) to formulate the logical status of the negativity of indifference; 2) to explicate the epistemological problem of indifference as the mechanism of the production of the new in modernity; 3) to demonstrate the central role of the concept of indifference in the prevalent genealogies of the philosophical notion of repetition; and 4) to utilize this new concept of indifference for the critique of the ideological discourse of guilt-economy.

Research Project

Research Fields
Systematic philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, epistemology, ideology H120